Patriot – noun.
- A Person who loves their country & zealously supports and defends it.
Meet Ed
My story is similar to the stories of those who know the American Dream as more than a cute political talking point. Those of you who have been forged in the crucible of adversity know how important difficulties in life are to developing character. Let me share with you what that means to me.
First, you must know that the terror of socialism and communism was burned into my psyche from a tender age. My mother, brother, and aunt came to America from Eastern Europe (former Yugoslavia). They lived under and fled from communism.
Growing up, I listened to stories of how people in other parts of the world lived and I was taught why America is the greatest nation on Earth.
On my father’s side, my grandmother came to America from National Socialist (Nazi) Germany. Dad heard from my grandfather about the darkness covering Europe and his times in the U.S. Army during WWII. My grandmother has tearfully recounted and taught all of us how her country, along with Europe, was destroyed by socialists and communists. And how America served as a beacon of hope for the world.
However, my personal experience with the American Dream isn’t founded on my family’s story alone. I was born in Arizona, and I grew up in (what most would call) meager circumstances. My mother learned English while cleaning hotel rooms, working in restaurants, and painting Native American art. My father worked tirelessly to support his family as a tile setter and granite fabricator.
One thing I learned from my family is that in this land, when you work incredibly hard and play by the rules, you can realize your dreams.
Again, and again, that promise has been delivered for me and for the people around me. Just 12 short years ago, I was living in a 26-foot travel trailer and struggling paycheck to paycheck. An opportunity to work in the oilfield (as a Hardbander and then Roughneck) allowed me to improve my standard of living. It’s what gave me the opportunity to move to Idaho Falls from western Colorado in 2013. That is where I fell in love with my wife, Holly, and Idaho.
Holly decided to trade in her Harley Davidson for a graduate degree and inspired me to go to college as well. Not wanting to be out of the workforce for too long, I worked relentlessly and obtained a Bachelor of Science in Business Management from start to finish in 13 months.
We moved to the Treasure Valley for me to build a book of business as a Financial Advisor. Working with families and business owners to manage their investments (totaling almost $40,000,000) and providing sound financial advice is something I value very much and look forward to returning to. As a Financial Advisor I also completed a Master of Science in Finance and a Graduate Certificate in Financial Analysis.
Managing my own office gave me the flexibility to be more involved in the community. Because of that involvement one of my clients pushed me to participate in the Republican Party because of my outspoken Constitutional Conservative philosophy. That was only 2 short years ago. In that time, I’ve been blessed to be selected as a Delegate for Donald J. Trump at the Republican National Convention, become the volunteer Idaho State Director for U.S. Term Limits, attend Turning Point USA’s Winter Gala at Mar-a-Lago, and serve as both a Precinct Committeeman and Region IV Chairman for the Idaho Republican Party.
Nonetheless, those experiences didn’t cause me to wake up one morning and decide to throw my hat into the ring for consideration as Idaho’s next Governor. Rather, what I have witnessed in the political realm has deeply unnerved me.
I was approached to run for Governor because there is a movement right now for regular folks like me to get involved in ways we never have before. There is a ruling class in America now. There is a ruling class in Idaho now. It’s up to the Patriots to take a stand, and I won’t be caught on the sidelines.
I echo what President Reagan taught us years ago; every generation must fight for their freedom. I believe that time is now for all of us because Idaho is rapidly adopting socialism and subjecting herself to an out-of-control federal government.
President Trump revealed to America the dark underbelly of America. In his fight to Make America Great Again, he showed us all very clearly that our nation is under a systematic and methodical assault.
Here is what I hope you will take away from my story; I will never back down to the evils of socialism and communism. To sit back and allow my children to relive the horrors of my family’s past would be cowardice.
I walked away from a successful financial practice to run for Governor. Our family is putting everything on the line right now because we wholeheartedly believe it’s now or never to make a serious course correction. And if the Patriots can’t protect and promote the American Dream in Idaho, then it won’t happen anywhere. However, if we are successful, then Idaho will lead the nation. We will be the “shining city on a hill.”
America was founded and built by ordinary people who did the extraordinary. Idaho is the last foxhole for freedom and family values. I humbly ask for you to partner with me on this journey to elevate and insulate Idaho. This is a time for Patriots to take a stand. We need a Governor who is committed to the U.S. and Idaho Constitution, will fight federal overreach, and will give everything to empower Idaho families.
If you are like me, you know something is wrong right now. Please, join this growing movement. Volunteer. Host small gatherings in your home or community and I welcome the opportunity to attend and connect with fellow Patriots. Knock doors, make phone calls, write editorials, promote the movement on social media, etc. There are many ways to get involved. If you can’t volunteer, then I humbly ask for you to help us fundraise and donate. With your support we can forge a strong Idaho.
I make these 5 solemn promises to you:
- I will work for Idaho families and NOT for special interests.
- I will protect and promote our God-given rights.
- I will enact winning free-market policies that have been proven to boost wages and profits.
- I will doggedly expose and fight corruption, cronyism, and waste in government.
- I will not back down to socialist/communist activists or compromise with their demands.

About the Humphreys Family
When we aren’t fighting for the soul of America by running for Governor, our family is like most others. We’re raising a family, paying bills, figuring out dinner every night, going to church, and making memories.
Holly and I welcomed our Daughter Ruby this year, who is now 10 months old. Our 4-year-old son, Dallin, loves to catch frogs, rolly-polies, and climb over us like we are a jungle gym. We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and live in Eagle.
We have a hound-dog puppy, Pepper. And a grumpy cat, Jitters, who hates everyone except Holly and I.
We enjoy watching the same movies 50 times over with Dallin, camping, hiking, shooting at the range, handloading ammunition, cooking, barbeques with friends, occasional vacations, bicycle rides around the neighborhood, and reading books (there’s about a dozen on my nightstand currently). We listen to Conservative podcasts, like Charlie Kirk, on our commute to work.
Personally, I enjoy working in a worthy cause with good people. I support and have been involved in numerous organizations. Here’s a sampling of my current and former involvement.
Idaho State Director, U.S. Term Limits
President & VP, Meridian Kiwanis
Board of Directors, Meridian Library Foundation
Co-Founder & Delegate, Citizens Committee for Election Integrity
Mentor, Idaho Department of Corrections Mentorship Initiative; Free2Succeed
Region IV Chairman, Idaho Republican Party Executive Committee
Precinct Committeeman, Ada County Republican Party
Lifetime NRA Member
Member, Ronald Reagan Republican Club
Member, Eagle Conservatives
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